Our Summer Sing-Along was a huge success today! We had some VIP’s come to see us perform. Seán O Meara, writer of the song ‘Grace’, his wife Finola and daughter, Susan (mother of April and Dean) joined us today. Seán was so impressed with Room 14’s performance of his song. Darren Holden of the High Kings came to perform ‘Chasing Rainbows’ with Room 14 also! What a treat that was! Every class performed a song for our visitors; Room 6 sang ‘A Song for Ireland’, Room 10 sang ‘Black Velvet Band’, senior infants sang ‘Wild Mountain Thyme’ and junior infants sang Óró ‘Sé do Bheatha Bhaile. A huge thank you and congratulations to Ms Maloney and Mr O’Reilly who organised this event! The preparation, the singing, the artwork, the performing, the reading….the best way to showcase just how amazing and special St.Louis Infant School is!