This week St. Louis will begin our ‘Walk on Wednesday’ campaign, or ‘W.O.W’ for short. This will take place every Wednesday until June 19th. We are encouraging all students to make an extra effort to walk, cycle, scoot, bus or park and stride to school every Wednesday. For the park and stride, you must park away from the school and have at least a 10-minute walk to school for it to count. Every Wednesday, the Green Committee will count how many students in each class have walked, cycled, scooted, taken the bus or taken part in park and stride to school. The class with the most students who have gotten to school in an environmentally friendly way will win the Golden Boot award for the week!
Here are a few reasons why walking to school is good for you:
Walking is good for the environment – walking, biking and scooting are the most environmentally ways to travel.
Walking is good for your body – daily exercise helps us feel fit and healthy.
Walking can make you feel happy – walking makes you feel more positive and ready to start the day.
Walking is good for your relationships – having a walk is a great opportunity to spend time with your family and friends.
We hope everyone makes a special effort to take part in Walk on Wednesdays!