Science Week 2022

It was a busy week of experimenting this week in St. Louis!  Junior Infants in Room 2 were learning about...

Oíche Shamhna

Previous Next Hallowe’en in St Louis Infant School where ghouls, superheroes, princesses and pirates are to be found dancing at...

Spooktastic Halloween Art

It’s getting very spooky around the school this week! There are witches, pumpkins, spiders, bats and haunted houses popping up...

Awesome Autumn Art

Have a look at the wonderful autumn art that can be seen outside the classrooms of our school!  There is...

SENSEational Junior Infants

Junior Infants were very busy learning all about the senses in September!  They did a sound walk, taste tests, smell...

EU Landmarks and Buildings

Junior Infants have been learning all about many famous landmarks and buildings in the EU.  They were challenged to recreate...

World Book Day 2022

There was great excitement in the school today as we celebrated World Book Day.  The school was full of Hogwarts’...

Santa Claus is coming to town…..

Our school hall has been turned into a wonderful Winter Wonderland with trees decorated by all pupils in the Infant...

Science Week 2021

It was Science Week this week and what a week it has been!  There have been chemical reactions, forces, constructions,...

We had a mosh….A Monster Mosh!!

The St. Louis’ ‘Monster Mosh’ was a monstrous success here today!  The children arrived in their costumes, some were unrecognisable!...