Friendship Week 2024

Last week was our first week of 2024 and it was Friendship Week! What a week it was!  The children...

I am Special, I am me!

All classes from Junior Infants to Sixth Class were exploring the theme of ‘Myself’ during the month of September.  From...

Friendship Week 2023

We have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves during Friendship Week this week. The children worked really hard to be kind and extra...

Lights! Camera! Action!

Junior Infants made Christmas videos to send home to their families this year.  The videos show the songs they have...

SENSEational Junior Infants

Junior Infants were very busy learning all about the senses in September!  They did a sound walk, taste tests, smell...

I am unique

First Class have been discussing what special talents they have and how they are unique. 

I am Special, I am me!

All of the classes have been working hard on self-portraits this month.  The children used mirrors to look at and...

Friendship Day 2021

On the 13th of May we celebrated Friendship Day. The children read stories about friendship, wrote poems about friends, and...